Pet Product Photography: Using Personality to Define Brands

Part of our job as a brand and marketing agency is to ensure each brand we work with has their own unique position in the crowded marketplace of pet products and services. This work often includes developing unique brand photography that stands out from the rest of the furry stock images we've all seen 1 million times or more. OffLeash is lucky enough to partner with (and work next door to) OMS photographer, Brent Taylor, who shares a deep and unconditional love for pets and what they bring to humans' lives. Brent has been so kind as to write a guest post for us to give current and potential clients an idea of how he views custom photography for pet companies and why it is the ultimate opportunity to infuse their brand and products with personality - and have a little fun while he's doing it!

Excerpt: (you can find the full version of Brent's post here)

I cherish the days I do dog shoots more than most. I am a big-time dog lover, and honestly have never met one I didn’t like. On days when I’m not shooting you can find a couple of these furry creatures sleeping peacefully beneath my desk while I work.

As you can imagine, photographing dogs is wildly different from tabletop still life photography. Animals in general are typically the opposite of still, and the environment is anything but controlled.

I’ve done several shoots over the years for pet food companies and pet-related products, and now I am the official photography partner for OffLeash Communications. My favorite aspect of photographing dogs is capturing their very dynamic personalities. They are incredibly smart creatures with their own thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Just as there are no two humans alike, I’ve found the same applies to dogs.

Just as a portrait photographer would try to capture the personality of his or her subject, my main focus when photographing dogs is to do the same. I really try to connect with each dog in order to bring his or her personality to life in the two-dimensional world of imagery.

By tapping into the unique essence of each dog, I can create photography that exudes a certain personality for a brand or product. It really brings the brand to life and gives it a unique identity.

I could use my dog Bella as an example. Bella has ears that appear to be slightly large for her head. (Her best trait!) She uses her large ears as communication devices. I find her level of nonverbal communication to be absolutely astounding. A combination of the ears and her eyes are all it takes for me to understand what she is thinking. Just like humans, dogs facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body language speaks louder than words. And in my opinion, there is no better way to bring a brand to life.

If these photography services are of interest to your brand, contact us to request a portfolio of OffLeash Communications' photography work.

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